7 Ways to Become a Yogi
Yes, we have seen it everywhere. Yoga is the hot new fitness craze. There are many different kinds of yoga, but ultimately it is up to you to find which is the best for you. Whenever people tell me that they 'just aren't good at yoga' or that they 'are not flexible' I laugh. Yoga is not something you are 'good' at or that you need flexibility to do. Flexibility does help, but really it comes down to the power of the mind. Yoga is a personal quest-when you start using words like not good enough, or I can't you are demining yourself of that ability.
Let me tell you about my road to becoming a yogi. In the ninth grade I was just about as high-strung as you can get. I was constantly feeling like I wasn't good enough, or just stressed in general. My mom told me I needed to do some yoga. In my head I imagine a group of old ladies taking naps. I thought that there was no possible way I would do that. Finally, my mom bribed me to go to a class. She had me go to power yoga. I fell in love. I signed up for every single type of class in yoga and have been addicted ever since. To me yoga not only provides physical benefits, but also emotional. While doing yoga I am able to be at peace.
Yoga is for everyone. Do not let yourself think to be exempt. It takes some time to get into it, but once you do you will be hooked. I am the kind of person that I can't sit still, but yoga has taught me so much about just sitting and meditation, as well as how to control the brain.
So how can you become a yogi?
1. Go on Youtube and look up a beginner yoga class. We all have the fear of humiliation in public to a certain extent. Learn some poses before going to your first class. Get a feel for what it actually is.
2. Find a yoga matt that you connect with. For anyone starting I would recommend going to your local fitness store and buying a cheap one. Once you start practicing for a while you find out what you personally like. For example I like a thin, gripped matt...while my sister is addicted to the thick ones.
3. Research studios. If there is a yoga studio near you go there! While gyms offer yoga classes, majority of the time they are general yoga making it so you do not get the full experience. If there is not a yoga studio near you then the gym can be a great alternative.
4. Find clothing that motivates you to go. I don't know about you but if I have cute clothes to workout in or do yoga I want to do it more. Yoga is like that, find something you feel comfortable stretch and moving in, but also that fits your style.
5. Get a group of friends that love yoga. When you are with your friends and have them to go to class it is really nice to start with. You can watch them do the poses and see what you need to do. Also it is something new to talk to them about. Another thing is once you get more into yoga you can start to do partner and acro yoga. Here are some of my recent poses with my yoga friends:

6. Do not care what anyone around you thinks. In yoga it is very personal, do not but influence by those around you. People will be able to go deeper into some poses than you can, some will be floating and you will not. That is totally normal. Embrace that.
7. Just go and try it out! Honestly, it can be intimidating trying something for the first time out, don't let it. Go out and just focus on having a good time. You have got this!
Good luck my young yogi!
Let me tell you about my road to becoming a yogi. In the ninth grade I was just about as high-strung as you can get. I was constantly feeling like I wasn't good enough, or just stressed in general. My mom told me I needed to do some yoga. In my head I imagine a group of old ladies taking naps. I thought that there was no possible way I would do that. Finally, my mom bribed me to go to a class. She had me go to power yoga. I fell in love. I signed up for every single type of class in yoga and have been addicted ever since. To me yoga not only provides physical benefits, but also emotional. While doing yoga I am able to be at peace.
Yoga is for everyone. Do not let yourself think to be exempt. It takes some time to get into it, but once you do you will be hooked. I am the kind of person that I can't sit still, but yoga has taught me so much about just sitting and meditation, as well as how to control the brain.
So how can you become a yogi?
1. Go on Youtube and look up a beginner yoga class. We all have the fear of humiliation in public to a certain extent. Learn some poses before going to your first class. Get a feel for what it actually is.
2. Find a yoga matt that you connect with. For anyone starting I would recommend going to your local fitness store and buying a cheap one. Once you start practicing for a while you find out what you personally like. For example I like a thin, gripped matt...while my sister is addicted to the thick ones.
3. Research studios. If there is a yoga studio near you go there! While gyms offer yoga classes, majority of the time they are general yoga making it so you do not get the full experience. If there is not a yoga studio near you then the gym can be a great alternative.
4. Find clothing that motivates you to go. I don't know about you but if I have cute clothes to workout in or do yoga I want to do it more. Yoga is like that, find something you feel comfortable stretch and moving in, but also that fits your style.
5. Get a group of friends that love yoga. When you are with your friends and have them to go to class it is really nice to start with. You can watch them do the poses and see what you need to do. Also it is something new to talk to them about. Another thing is once you get more into yoga you can start to do partner and acro yoga. Here are some of my recent poses with my yoga friends:
6. Do not care what anyone around you thinks. In yoga it is very personal, do not but influence by those around you. People will be able to go deeper into some poses than you can, some will be floating and you will not. That is totally normal. Embrace that.
7. Just go and try it out! Honestly, it can be intimidating trying something for the first time out, don't let it. Go out and just focus on having a good time. You have got this!
Good luck my young yogi!
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