In yoga an element that is frequently taught is to work on micro-bends. Let me tell you what a micro-bend is...often times when people go into poses they will be instructed to bend-- so naturally they will go farther into the pose then what they should, resulting in injuries. Micro-bend is making the smallest of adjustments in order to allow the poses to be structurally sounds as well as more beneficial to yourself. It is those small changes to improve that pose.
Achieving wellness is making those micro-bends in everyday lives. If you go in with the mindset that all of the sudden you are going to never eat junk food and be a clean eater, than you will feel very disappointed with yourself when you are not able to accomplish it. Micro-bends are the small decisions, such as not eating dessert one night, or skipping out on the fried food for a day. It is the simple changes that results in the big results.These small micro changes allow you to become more healthy day by day.
When I moved to college I decided that I was not going to eat food that was not good for me. I had always eaten healthy and prided myself in being organic, but I did love sugar and if it was in front of me I would always eat it. I decided I was going to cut sugar cold turkey. Did it work? I would love to say yes, but it did not. I realized that I needed to make a micro-bend in my life to improve my sugar intake. Because of that experience I decided that I was going to not have desserts while in a group situation, and set smaller goals, rather than juts saying I would never eat sugar again. Did this work? Yes! Not only did it work but it was very rewarding because I started recognizing what I was and was not doing right. If sugar intake is your weakness (like mine) grab a fruit, make an acai bowl, drink some water, find things that fill in that void. My favorite treat/dessert is an acai bowl. They are delicious.

Another micro-bend that is often needed is physical activity. Working out is essential for wellness. Often it is very easy to be overwhelmed with a gym, or even just starting from not working out, to working out. Find something that you love. For me it is yoga and the outdoors. Find a hobby that is physical and you will never have a bad gym day again. My mom was very static in her physical exercise so she found a hobby. Yoga! Now it is no longer resistance training to get to the gym, but it is enjoyable and not grueling.

We all have things that we struggle with or just are not at where we want to be. Through micro-bends and changes it makes it so you are able to make big changes in the longer run.
Make those micro changes! You can do it!
Achieving wellness is making those micro-bends in everyday lives. If you go in with the mindset that all of the sudden you are going to never eat junk food and be a clean eater, than you will feel very disappointed with yourself when you are not able to accomplish it. Micro-bends are the small decisions, such as not eating dessert one night, or skipping out on the fried food for a day. It is the simple changes that results in the big results.These small micro changes allow you to become more healthy day by day.
When I moved to college I decided that I was not going to eat food that was not good for me. I had always eaten healthy and prided myself in being organic, but I did love sugar and if it was in front of me I would always eat it. I decided I was going to cut sugar cold turkey. Did it work? I would love to say yes, but it did not. I realized that I needed to make a micro-bend in my life to improve my sugar intake. Because of that experience I decided that I was going to not have desserts while in a group situation, and set smaller goals, rather than juts saying I would never eat sugar again. Did this work? Yes! Not only did it work but it was very rewarding because I started recognizing what I was and was not doing right. If sugar intake is your weakness (like mine) grab a fruit, make an acai bowl, drink some water, find things that fill in that void. My favorite treat/dessert is an acai bowl. They are delicious.

Another micro-bend that is often needed is physical activity. Working out is essential for wellness. Often it is very easy to be overwhelmed with a gym, or even just starting from not working out, to working out. Find something that you love. For me it is yoga and the outdoors. Find a hobby that is physical and you will never have a bad gym day again. My mom was very static in her physical exercise so she found a hobby. Yoga! Now it is no longer resistance training to get to the gym, but it is enjoyable and not grueling.
We all have things that we struggle with or just are not at where we want to be. Through micro-bends and changes it makes it so you are able to make big changes in the longer run.
Make those micro changes! You can do it!
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